Wednesday 5 October 2011

31. Earl Sweatshirt - Earl

This is the second blog that I've written about a member of Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All (or OFWGKTA or Odd Future). If you've never heard of them, they are a bunch of kids from Los Angeles who have formed a very anti-establishment movement and sometimes, in-between the controversy that they create, release albums.

Earl Sweatshirt is one of the youngest members of Odd Future (He was born in 1994, which makes him a good 10 years younger than me, which is quite depressing.) and is arguably the best MC out of all of them. The problem with Earl Sweatshirt, and a few Odd Future members in general, I find is their subject matter, which is pretty grim. No subject is taboo, whether it's indiscriminate murder, rape, necrophilia or any number of subjects, OF seem to revel in the controversial nature of their songs. The problem is that Earl and Tyler, the Creator (the leader of the group), are both extremely well versed in slinging words together and even though the lyrical content is quite tough to take at times, they can make it sound interesting.

The production duties on this album are mainly handled by the aforementioned Tyler, the Creator and something that is interesting about the music is how relaxed and chilled out the beats are compared to the harsh lyrics that Earl and co spit.

Ultimately, this is a decent album but it's not recommended for those with a weak stomach.

Until tomorrow.....

Favorite Song: Earl

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