Monday 10 October 2011

36. Jason Derulo - Future History

There is one day a week that I can generally get on board listening to something akin to Jason Derulo and that's a Saturday when I'm working in HMV. The high energy, pumping beats can be invaluable when working that last day of a six day week. Monday, is clearly not that day as you are about to read. 

Prior to even listening to this album I resented it. Today I wasn't supposed to listen to this album, you see. Along with this, a new Cliff Richard album titled 'Soulicious: The Soul Album' got released which I was pumped up to lay into, but the version that I downloaded didn't work so I am stuck with Jason Cuntrulo.

The first song 'Don't Wanna Go Home' is a mish-mash of songs, namely 'Get Low' by Lil' Jon and the Eastside Boyz, 'Day O' by Harry Belafonte and 'Show Me Love' by Robin S. Who the fuck though that these songs needed to be merged together? Even more insulting is that on those Saturdays when I hear this turd of a song, I really like it, which in turn annoys me even more. These days you don't even need to be creative to make a number 1 single, just take the beat from a early 90's dance song and sing the lyrics from two other songs with a fuck-ton of autotune to cover up your horrible voice and there you have it. And that's the highlight of the album.

What more should I expect from an artist that is signed to the same record label as the cretinous Sean Kingston and vomit-inducing Mann....

Maybe I'm being a bit harsh on this album as I am clearly not the target audience for this album, as it is directly aimed at the masses, but I like to think that surely there has to be more to making good pop music than this. For good pop music, I'll listen to The Pipettes and for good RnB, I'll listen to D'Angelo.

Until tomorrow.....

Favorite song: (I had to pick something)

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