Wednesday 14 September 2011

10. Incubus - Morning View

Wow. Ten albums listened to and 10 blogs written. To be honest, I had anticipated that I would have given up by now, it looks like I've resigned myself to doing this. 

An Incubus is, according to wikipedia "a demon in male form who, according to a number of mythological and legendary traditions, lies upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have intercourse with them." Thankfully this Incubus isn't one of those, but a band of 5 Californian rockers who, on this album especially, perform a unique blend of rock and funk.

It's hard to shoehorn Incubus into any particular genre, especially on this album which, up to this one, was their most ambient work to date. The tracks 'Nice to know you' and 'Wish you were here' are two perfect examples of ambient versus and rocking choruses. 'Echo' and 'Mexico' are two of the more chilled out songs on this album, but really stand out. My favorite song though is the jazzy, swing inspired 'Are you in?'. It's an odd one in that the only lyrics are 'It's so much better/when everyone is in/are you in? Ooooooh ooh ooh' and this is repeated throughout the song, but the baseline is so infectious and the song so catchy that it doesn't matter how repetitive the lyrics are. This is a very good album.

Until tomorrow.....

Favorite song:

1 comment:

  1. When I was sixteen, this was my favourite album (apart from the one they did before, which was a bit louder) and Are You In? was my favourite too. It's perfect for summery surfingness, I reckon, which is probably not a million miles from Incubus's home environment.
