Saturday 17 September 2011

13. Brookes Brothers - Brookes Brothers

I'm not the biggest fan of drum and bass, I don't mind it but there is one thing that I specifically don't like about it.  The 'WOB'. 

I don't know what it is really, I'm assuming the 'WOB' is the bass part of this equation, but the fact is that I find it a bit annoying. This is also the reason that I've never massively got into dubstep either. 

This album however, is nearly completely devoid of the 'WOB' so it makes it a lot easier for me to listen to. To no one's surprise 'Warcry', the one song with the 'WOB', is the only one that I didn't really get on with. The rest of the album is a really cool DNB album that you could either chill out to or party like fuck too. The best tracks, are 'Beautiful', 'Corpse Bride' and the reggae and dubstep inspired 'In Your Eyes'.

Until tomorrow.....

Favorite song:

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