Sunday 11 September 2011

7. Weezer - Weezer

Today it's Weezers' debut album. It's a bit of a cheat to be honest, it's a relatively short album that I know quite well so that I could bash this blog out quickly. 'That's not the point of this blog!' I hear you ask, well balls! I work a lot and finding the time to write this blog everyday will, at times be a chore. Today is one of those times. 

This album is one of my favorite non hop-hop/guitarey albums. The songs are immensely good to sing along to and the simple, yet perfectly played guitars, work with the melodies to make one of the best pop/alternative rock albums of all time. 

If or when I gain power, to not own this album will be a crime punishable by a single gunshot to the head. Consider yourself warned...

Tomorrow's blog will be better.

Until tomorrow.....

Favorite song:

1 comment:

  1. Am liking this blog, but I am disappointed that on today of all days you didn't review this one, Mr So-called Hip Hop Head:
