Wednesday 7 September 2011

3. PJ Harvey - Let England Shake

Clearly the Mercury awards committee see something in this album that I don't. 

If album was a sandwich it would be egg and watercress, maybe from a Co-op. Not necessarily a bad sandwich, but I'd only buy it if it was reduced and I had no other option.

I can appreciate that it's a very well put together album and the subject matter is something to be admired (putting together an album all about war can't be an easy sell), but that's where my fondness for this project ends to be honest.

None of the songs really stood out to me and I can't really see myself listening to it again. In all fairness, this isn't the type of music that I like (even the album cover is boring) so I can't say I was expecting to be blown away by it. Who know's though, maybe it's a grower. Now that it's on my iPod, I may think to myself one day that I would like to revisit it. Probably when I'm writing a suicide note. It's not all bad though as least I got a decent sandwich analogy out of it, you don't get a chance to use one of those bad boys often.....

Until tomorrow.....

Favorite song (I have to put something here):

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