Thursday 15 September 2011

11. The Doors - The Doors

'The Doors' is the 1967 debut album from the band of the same name. According to the wiki page on this album,  it took six days to record. That astounded me. How do these musician types do it? 

Much like my situation with Bob Dylan, I have never listened to a Doors album before so starting at the beginning seemed to be a logical place to start. In terms of this blog though, I don't really know where to start to be honest...

Fucked if I know what lead singer Jim Morrison is going on about for most of the album, his lyrics make little sense to me, but the music is so captivating that I can easily get over that. The standout tracks for me are the opener 'Break on through (To the other side)', 'Twentieth century fox' and the eleven minute long 'The End'. 'The End' is an strange song, it apparently started as a love song and through performing it live, it just got longer and longer with vocals changing from singing into a spoken word section in which Morrison states that he would like to kill his father and fuck his mother. Calm down though, he's not talking literally, he's referencing the Oedipus complex and reenacting some good old Greek tragedy. I said it was a bit odd......

This is a good album

Until tomorrow.....

Favorite song: The End (Watch out for some amazing crowd dancing in the video!)

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