Thursday 8 September 2011

4. Arcade Fire - Funeral

I must be maturing. 

About two years ago I tried to listen to 'Neon Bible' by Arcade Fire and I think I got about three songs in before I  turned it off. 

Fast forward to 2011 and the 365 Challenge has thrown Arcade Fire back at me. Instead of diving out of the way, I hurled myself towards it like a secret service agent protecting the President of the United State. And I'm glad I did. 

I'm not too sure what has changed, maybe it's the fact that three people who's opinion I greatly trust the most have constantly recommended Arcade Fire to me. Maybe since I last gave Arcade Fire a listen my musical tastes have expanded. Maybe that  turd of an album I listened to yesterday was so god-awful that anything would sound better or maybe it's a combination of all three.

I'm not going to go into the details of this album in the same level of depth that I did with the blogs about Queen and Common as this is a first listen, whereas I have listened to those other albums on multiple occasions. Needless to say, I have enjoyed this album a lot more than I was expecting. I may even give 'Neon  Bible' another try later in this challenge....

Until tomorrow.....

Favorite Song:  Wake Up

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