Monday 5 September 2011


Hello there!

Last Friday (02/09/2011), a friend and I were conversing over a pint or two about how cool it would be to listen to an different album every day of the year and chronicle it on Twitter under the hashtag #365Albums with the hope of it trending worldwide. Such a task would seem daunting to a lesser man, but I have over the years, amassed a vast music collection and I am always am on the hunt for stuff that I haven't heard before, new and old. The only concern that I have is that the regular podcasts that I listen to will take a bit of a hit as a result of this, not a massive concern though.

Along with 'tweeting', I have created this blog which I will attempt to update with my opinions on the album I have decided to listen to on that particular day. Now, whether I can find the time or the inclination to actually complete this is another thing all together. I'm an ideas man, you see, I am happy to come up with this sort of a project on a whim, but the likelihood of completing is slim.

So later on tonight, in honour of the late Freddie Mercury's would be 65th birthday, I am going to listen to 'A Night At The Opera' by Queen and post my thoughts on this page.

1 comment:

  1. I'll try that again.

    Winners don't quit and quitters don't win!
