Monday 19 September 2011

15. Bruce Springsteen - Born in the U.S.A.

On Christmas 2010 I received on of the best gifts ever, a box set containing Bruce Springsteen's first 7 albums. Now, although I consider 'Born to run' the Boss's best album, but I thought I'd go for this one instead.

A lot of people think that the albums title track 'Born in the USA' is a patriotic anthem, but it's actually an anti-Vietnam song detailing the effect that being over there in a pointless war and the difficulties that Vietnam veterans had readjusting to society. The other massive hit off this album is the amazing 'Dancing in the dark' which is a synth heavy ultimate pop song. I don't really know why I'm writing about it to be honest, it's Springsteen's biggest hit and one of them most popular pop songs ever.

The whole album is a very synth-heavy affair to be honest, which makes the synth-less 'Bobby Jean' a stand out song with a classic Clarence Clemons saxophone solo at the end of it, this song could easily been on 'Born to run.'. Glory days absolutely rocks too.....This is a great album, but would you expect anything less from a bloke nicknamed 'The Boss'?

Until tomorrow..... (Currently doing the Springsteen dance)

Favorite song:

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