Friday 9 September 2011

5. The Overtones - Good Ol' Fashioned Love

I was dared to listen to this album. 

Boom. Album listened to and, as a bonus, I kind of enjoyed it.

The Overtones, I was only moderately familiar with as I have sold many copies to old women. I hadn't heard any of their music, never read an article or even gave them any serious consideration to be part of the 365 Challenge, but that's the beauty of this challenge. It throws you curve-balls.

The album opens on an extremely upbeat and happy song called 'Sh Boom (Life could be a dream) that I wasn't quite prepared for this at 8 o'clock this morning, but it cleared the cobwebs and got my day off to a 'Hey nonny ding dong' start. Yes those are actual lyrics.

The harmonies are really nice and the music serves as a tool to get the best out of the vocal 
performances, but as I still am stupidly childish, I find myself laughing whenever the baritone 
sings anything. Sad really.

The only thing that detracts from this album is that maybe 12 songs of doo-wop is a little too 
much for me. I think like the idea of a modern doo-wop band more than the actual thing. That 
being said, I can imagine giving this a spin one day. It's a harmless pop album, there's nothing too 
amazing about it, but at the same time, nothing terribly offensive either. They're not bad, they're
just not the Pipettes.

Until tomorrow.....

Favorite Song:  Gambling Man (It's a cringe-worthy video.)

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