Wednesday 28 September 2011

24. Justice - (Cross)

Why are french people so good at making awesome house/electro music? When I think of french house music, I generally think of either Daft Punk or Dimitri from Paris, but now 'JUSTICE' screams out at me. 

From the very first song, you can tell that every track on this album is going to be a cunting TUNE (I'm not sure why that was in capitals). The opening song 'Genesis' is a gigantic sounding song that has a sinister synth-heavy beat with some awesome slap-bass going on and that sets the tone for the rest of the album. 

D.A.N.C.E. is a modern day disco anthem with a really infectious chorus and of course, bass line. 'New Jack' has an awesome chopped-up vocal (I usually like these) and the song drastically changes mid way through which  is a real surprise on the first listen and 'Phantom' and 'Phantom Part 2' are simply bangers, there's no other way to describe them.

If you like Daft Punk this is a great listen. It's got all of the best elements of a Daft Punk album, but is funkier and has a harder edge. If you don't like Daft Punk, you should probably give this a listen anyway...

Until tomorrow.....

Favorite Song: 

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